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700 million
in turnover

  • 2,300

    Over 2,300 employees based in 14 countries, in Europe, America and Asia.

  • 50,000,000

    50 million books sold every year, including 16 million comic books and graphic novels.

  • 3,500

    3,500 new titles released every year, including 1,200+ comic books.

  • 22,000,000

    22 million copies of magazine published every year.

  • 1,000,000,000

    1 billion views of our programs in digital per year

  • 5,000

    5,000 hours of original animated TV programming

  • 15,000,000

    15 million Internet pages viewed each month.

  • 2,500,000

    2.5 million packages shipped every year from our distribution centers